Saturday, June 15, 2019

Does The Use of Technology Effect's Young Literacy Learners, In A Research Paper

Does The Use of Technology Effects Young Literacy Learners, In A Positive Or Negative Way - Research Paper ExampleThese aids atomic number 18 meant to both integrate bringing up with the world around as well as to provide a more seamless mode whereby the educator lowlife attempt to integrate the lesson plan with the student. On the whole, most educators and analysts have accepted such a practice as something of a necessary means whereby education mirrors the societal changes that take place. However, the broader question which should be asked is whether or not these technological aspects of the educational process actually aid and assist the impartation of knowledge to the student, whether they bear upon little to no change, or whether they actually have a negative impact on the way in which literacy learners learn and apply the information that is seek to be imparted to them via the educator. As a means of understanding the aforementioned research questions, this analysis wil l seek to lay out a framework of proportion whereby the preceding questions can be analyzed, weighed against existing and prior research, and determined based on the analytical levels of inference that this author is able to provide. Furthermore, a critique and analysis of the existing policies, structures, and rules that have thus far defined the process of education with respect to the means by which technology has been actively implemented will to a fault be analyzed. According to Ritzhaupt, technology itself should never be considered as a type of educator unto its own (Ritzhaupt et al 2012). Rather, the view put forward by these authors state that it is the teacher who remains the ultimate repository of knowledge who is merely using existing and emergent forms of technology to nuance the particular message or delivery on a given range of subject matter that he/she is attempting to impart. This approach is of course somewhat intuitive however, it is one that is oftentimes forg et within the current education model as a drive to provide greater and higher degrees of technology to assist teachers in the development and victor of their literacy learners has become something of a trend in both education and governance. In this way, the given authors put forward the idea that rather than relying on the technology all as a type of alternative to primary instruction, the student and the teacher should both use technology as a type of supplemental means whereby the rich and flexible medium that it provides can be used to the benefit of all involved. Furthermore, authors such as (Kurt 2012) provide demonstrable statistics that go to show that a litany of studies have proven that regardless of the level of overall technology exhibited in a given classroom, it is readily understood through verifiable and measurable data that the level of learning and understanding that is imparted in a classroom which relies almost exclusively on technology is no higher than that which takes place in a classroom that employs but a small amount of technology as a determinant part of the teaching function. This is of

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