Monday, September 30, 2019

Abortion & human

The term abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of the fetus or embryo from the uterus resulting in its death. The term is most commonly used to refer to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy.Abortions in humans can occur spontaneously where it is carried out due to complications that occur in the duration of the pregnancy; this is also called a miscarriage or it can be induced.An abortion can either be therapeutic in which case the abortion is induced with the aim of protecting the health of the mother or it can also be termed as an elective abortion in which case the abortion is procured for reasons other than protecting the health of the mother.Abortion has a long history and whereas modern advancements in the medical world have allowed for the use of medications and relatively safe surgical procedures to induce abortion, the traditional methods included the use of sharp tools to inflict physical trauma. A pregnancy can be intentionally t erminated in a number of ways.The manner selected mainly depends on the gestational age of the embryo or fetus the full gestational age of a full pregnancy being approximately twenty two weeks.The procedure may also depend on the legality of the procedure in the particular country, the availability of the procedure in terms of the equipment required as well as the skilled personnel to carry it out. It may also depend on the preference of both the doctor and the patient whereby both parties may settle on one procedure in favor of another.In cases where the decision to undergo elective abortion is based on therapeutic causes, the termination of the pregnancy maybe carried out in an attempt to save the life of the mother.This is done in cases where medical doctors have determined that to allow the pregnancy to develop further would pose a considerable risk to the life of the mother.The abortion can also be carried out where medical doctors have ascertained that an abortion of the pregn ancy would preserve the physical or mental health of the mother.A therapeutic abortion can also be carried out to terminate a pregnancy that would result in a child born with a congenital disorder that would be fatal. It can also be carried out in cases associated with multiple pregnancies to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lessen the health risks.There are various techniques and procedures that can be used in terminating a pregnancy. One of these methods is medical abortion that uses pharmaceutical drugs to terminate the pregnancy. Medical abortion is a non surgical method.Surgical methods have a variety of options. In the first twelve weeks, vacuum abortion is the most common method consists of removing the fetus or embryo, placenta and membranes by suction, it can be done manually using a manual syringe or by using an electric pump. Another method of abortion is by dilation and curettage which involves cleaning of the walls of the uterus with a curette.Where the pregn ancy is in the second trimester other techniques must be used to induce premature delivery using other drugs. Another method that can be used to terminate a pregnancy in its latter stages is hysterotomy abortion which is a procedure similar to a caesarean section and is performed under general anesthesia.Abortion is at times also attempted by causing trauma to the abdomen; however the degree of force if severe can cause serious internal injuries without succeeding in killing the fetus. This kind of abortion can be subject to criminal liability in many countries.Reported methods of unsafe and self induced abortion by insertion of non surgical implements such as knitting needles and clothes hangers into the uterus have been seen in developing nations but rarely in developed countries where surgical abortion is legal and accessible.Also in countries where abortion is not legal the pregnant women may seek to terminate the pregnancies in illegal setups which could also lead to the women losing their lives in the process of trying to secure an abortion.The practice of abortion also comes with various health risks and complications. The risk of complications can increase depending on how far the pregnancy has progressed. Early term surgical abortion is a simple procedure which is safer than abortions carried out much later in the pregnancy.The risks that come with abortion maybe physical pain or mental anguish for the patient as a result of the emotional attachment that could have been formed with the pregnancy, lack of social support to assist the patient in coping with her decision or even as a result where the woman may have been forced into having an abortion and she would personally have wanted to carry the pregnancy for a full term, presence of pre-existing psychiatric illness whereby the woman may already have been having mental complications that are now compounded by the effects of the abortion.Also in some cases the woman might suffer from mental anguish as a result of the guilt that the woman may be feeling as a result of the abortion, this is usually the case especially where the woman comes from a strong religious background that does not support abortion.Women choose to undergo abortion for various reasons. Some women procure abortions due to a sense of immaturity. This is usually the case especially where young women in their teenage and early twenties are concerned.They feel that they are not yet ready for the responsibilities that accompany motherhood. They may also feel that a child at such a young age will act as a barrier to her chance of advancing in her career or to her chances of pursuing a higher education. Some women may also terminate pregnancies in an attempt to end childbearing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

“Health Disparities” in Uninsured Americans Essay

According to (Kilbourne, Switzer & Fine, (2006), Health disparities are significant differences that are needed and viewed clinically and statistically in health care and health outcomes. These differences between groups of people can affect how often an illness(disease) have group affects, the number of people who have gotten sick and how many times do this particular disease or problem ends up with death occurring. There are a number of populations that can be affected by health disparities. ( Felton, (2013). Some of these differences are: Ethnic and racial minorities Rural area residents The elderly, children and women People with disabilities. (Medline, (2013). Health disparity can also be defined as differences of populations in health care access, environmental exposures, health status, quality or utilization and outcomes involving your health. Health disparities are related generally to social issues and healthcare systems. The worldwide web coming in existence in the mid – 1990’s also can lead to health disparities since some ethnic groups would not be able to afford the internet. One of the objectives of Healthy People 2010 was to provide more internet services to the home. (Gibbons, (2005). Since this study will be a quantitative study it will focus on the total number of uninsured or underinsured Americans who didn’t have health insurance by the end of 2012. Another focus of this study will be coming up with possible solutions to this growing trend in healthcare. In this study we will also seek to discover how the uninsured or underinsured individuals or families are being effected positively and negatively by gaining feedback from these individuals. There are several ways to obtain this feedback for this study in which we will be conducting surveys and questionnaires to get the answers we need. These ways are: the reasons why they do not have insurance to determine how this may affect their access to care, to determine whether the cost of care is directly affecting the reason why these individuals may not be insured and in this study we need to try to find the problems, come up with solutions and look for ways to get rid of any barriers to persons so that they can find affordable health care policies. Since the Affordable Care Act of 2010 is in effect we need to study how the introduction of a new healthcare law to totally replace the healthcare system that has been in place for years will effect uninsured and underinsured Americans. According to the article by (,(2012). For the surveys we will be conducting our survey samples will be coming from males and females  who are American citizens, all races or ethnic groups, 200 participants will be equally divided by gender. In order to cover a wide variety of people that are being effected by health disparities in quantitative research usually will require a large sample size in order to quantify the research. (Felton, 2013). Background of the Study There are several factors that join together populations to influence someone’s health and health status which results into health disparity. According to the Healthcare Fairness Act of 2000 House Resolution #3250, populations that have health disparities suffer from numbers that are significant as it relates to the total rate of incidence of disease, mortality, survival and morbidity when compared to the population in general. The most contributing factor to health disparities most often mentioned when watched in the United States population is Socioeconomic status (SES). Other factors related to health disparities include: physical and cultural environment, lifestyle, working and living conditions, and community and social networks. Socioeconomic status can be defined as how persons, households, families, and aggregates and census contracts as it relates to the size to consume or create goods that our society values. (Shavers, (2007). The quality of healthcare experienced by our patients may be related to issues of disparity, socio-environmental determinants of health, practice variation, and substandard of care as scientific evidence seemed to show by the late 1990’s. (Gibbons,(2005). Since Disparities in the United States can be caused by rather a mixture that is complex, historic injury intertwined with problems with access along with systematic quality. Health disparities have many sides which include ethnicity, status, geography and race. For policymakers it is critically important to give meaning to the problem in the correct way to make sure any solutions that are goal-related will be able to address the solutions reached. The goal is to provide health security for everyone no matter what your socio-economic characters are. Even though the United States goal is to completely get rid health  disparities there will be efforts to become a part of a broader effort to change health care and by doing so, there must be focus on improving the quality of care delivered to patients individually first and foremost. (Frist, (2005). We can now ask the question, Why the study of health disparity should be pursued and for whom is the study important to? The study of health disparity should be pursued because if nothing else but to determine if the research into health disparity will show any differences in organizational features that are specific. Furthermore the idea that organizational factors may play a significant role in health disparity has brought about more of a deep research on the role of organizational processes that are mutable when you look across the treatment setting. (Kilbourne, Switzer & Fine, (2006), Purpose of the Statement The purpose of this study will be to test the framework that is conceptual that will cover health disparities in 3 phases. Detection Reducing and/or Eliminating Understanding The survey will include 200 male and female divided equally on uninsured Americans adults 18 years and older to gain feedback on why they do not have health insurance. (Felton, 2013). Viable Research Questions and Hypotheses What role if any how access to care directly affected your health status because you don’t have health insurance? How has the cost of healthcare affected you individually, your families  health status because of no health insurance? How do you think your health status would change if you could afford health insurance? Do you think the new health care law will positively or negatively affect your ability to purchase health insurance? What factors do you believe are directly associated with the uninsured status as it relates to health insurance access? (Felton, (2013). Hypotheses Having no health insurance is directly impacting my access to care. Also the cost of care while having no health insurance is directly affecting my general health of me as well as my family. Also, if I had no cost for health insurance or low cost this would positively affect my health status as well as my family. With the Affordable Care Act of 2010 partially enforced, how do you believe this law will be directly associated with your uninsured status when it comes to access to health insurance. (Felton, 2013). Nature of the Study Design The strengths of Experimental Designs research according to the textbook, (Frankfort-Nachmias, & Nachmias, (2008), designs begins with the understanding of the 4 components of research design which are: _comparison(correlation of two variables), manipulation(control over), control, (removal of other factors(, and generalization(different settings, larger populations can be use)._ (Frankfort-Nachmias, & Nachmias, (2008).  The strengths of experimental designs is it will help a researcher understand the logic behind all other research designs, another strength is that an experiment lets the researcher observe and draw inferences that are casual with less difficulty no matter what type of variable is used and it allows researchers to be able to understand other design limitations. (Felton, (2013). According to the author,( Bhattacherjee, (2012). The limitations of Experimental Design research can be in the world of experimentation, the situation in the real world may not always relate, in situations where you have to randomly assign the persons to groups this may be impossible and unethical and another limitation would be getting rid of variables that are extraneous may not even be possible. (Felton, 2013). According to textbook by, (Frankfort-Nachmias, & Nachmias, (2008). When I consider the quantitative research plan I am developing and my research questions, hypotheses, and variables, I would recommend the classic experimental design for research. The reason is my research plan involves, â€Å"Health Disparities,† which is a topic that can touch on several specific groups whether it be based on race, gender, insured, uninsured. In the classic experimental research design as the researcher you do have more control over the intrinsic and extrinsic variables for your research which is an advantage for me. Also in experimental design it allows the researcher to have control to introduce the variable that independent to help determine which direction the causation is being led to. Since Health Disparities will need to cover several areas in order to be effective I feel that experimental research design offers me the best chance of reaching the goal of my research which are three phases: 1. Detection, 2. Understanding of the problem and 3. getting rid of or eliminating health disparities all together. ( Felton, 2013). Since there are so many issues that are affecting â€Å"Health Disparities in our world today, I feel I need to choose a research design plan that offers flexibility to the researchers which allows them to properly research the  issue, look at all sides to the issues to help come up with valid and ethical conclusions. Also, since I want to focus on uninsured Americans, just like me, and a hot topic in our world today, I will need an research design that will aid in my success to properly research this issue fully. iii. Instrumentation and materials According to the authors, (Keppel, Pamuk, Lynch, Carter-Pokras, Kim, Mays, Pearcy, Schoenbach, & Weisman, (2005). S The levels of measurement that will be important for my study in Health Disparities can involve at the nominal level, ordinal level and ratio level. Health disparities can be measured according to six issues that are between populations and groups: 1. a reference point will need to be selected in order to measure disparity. 2. Disparity need to be measured in either relative or absolute terms. 3. Measurements for health disparities need to be in terms of adverse or favorable events. 4. Health disparity needs to be measured in summary fashion or pair-wise. 5. In health disparity you need to choose whether to weigh groups according to the size of the group. 6. In health disparity there needs to be a decision whether to order the groups in a inherent way. (Felton, (2013). According to the textbook, (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). The nominal level will be important to my study on health disparity because at this level you can measure a different symbol that will represent each symbol. For example: ethnicity, gender, nationality, martial status, religion, and where you live. According to Messer, (2008). The ratio level is also another level of measurement that can be used in my research study on Health disparities  because variables at this level have fixed natural zero points and absolute because these variable can be based on length, time, weight and area. Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). Ratio measurement are the most common level of measurement used in disparity due to the scale of measurement. At the ratio level when measuring disparity it can be used in both as an absolute measure as well as a level of ratio. (Felton, (2013). Validity in research is concerned with whether you are measuring what you really need to or intend to measure for your research. There are three kinds validity in research: content, empirical and construct validity. I will ensure content validity, empirical validity, and construct validity for my study in health disparity in uninsured Americans by first understanding what each of the three types of validity mean: 1. Content validity is when your measurements are actually covering all areas you are intending to measure. In other words, nothing is left out. According to the textbook authors (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). Under content validity we have what is called face validity or the researcher’s evaluation that is subjective in their research. Another content validity is called sampling validity which is concerned about whether the population given in the research is sampled adequately. (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). Since health disparity covers a large area to be sampled, as a researcher I will have to find one area to focus on such as â€Å"uninsured Americans, covering persons 18 years and older, male and females, all ethnic groups will all be a part of the sample. (Felton, 2013). According to authors (Hidalgo & Goodman, (2012). Empirical validity refers to the relationship that is between an instrument that needs to be measured and the outcomes of the measurements. Construct validity relates the issues you are measuring to theoretical framework that is general. In disparities research it will be important to assess the standard criteria needed for the research to do what it is intended to do, especially if you are using different populations. In some cases, questionnaires may be needed to create validity in the study, but not in all studies. If in your disparities  research for uninsured Americans, where things like racism, race, ethnic groups which are considered constructs that are social can be hard to measure. (Felton, 2013) According to the article from (Active Campaign, (2009). In order to ensure validity in my research using content research which will be requiring all areas in my research I want to cover as it relates to health disparities for the uninsured American I would need to use a subjective form of measurement.(Felton, 2013). In the textbook, (Frankfort-Nachmias, (2008). The strengths and limitations in the reliability and validity I chose Construct validity strengths are based on how many dimensions and measures construct validity has, construct validity can be operated in a number of ways. (Felton, 2013). In order to ensure reliability for the measurement in my study, first I need to understand as a researcher the importance in the degree of reliability. Reliability is when your measuring instrument contain variable errors or mistakes that appear not all the time between your observation of your research for one time only or every time a variable is measured. So measurements contain two components which are called error component and true component. To further explain reliability which is measured on a ratio between true-score variance and variance in the total score measured. To ensure that my research study on health disparities is reliable for the measurement I will need to be able to distinguish that the results of the research may not be the exact same each time it is done. (Felton, (2013). The strengths and limitations when it comes to health disparities in the terms of reliability and validity can be linked to the fact that there are several components by which health disparities can be measured. Empirical validity and reliability are part of the research that deals with health disparities. One strength of empirical validity is relationships between prediction and results. According to the authors, (Ogden and Lo, (2011). The scale that is most appropriate to use for researching health disparities in uninsured America  Likert scale (tests attitudes) since it requires the researcher build a list of items that needs to be scaled, random research, then total of results. In using Likert scales there will be some limitations in the research involving health disparities. Some limitations are due to the debate on the role of comparisons socially and the impact it would bring on how the scales are completed and the results of the data being researched. ( Felton, 2013). According to authors Lobo and Mateus, (2013). Since in health disparities there are so many areas that need to be measured even access to health care and scales for measurement can help to achieve the needed results for the researcher if you take into account the aspects of the scale that you can enhance and you will continue to need to validate scales in your other populations. (Felton, (2013). According to ( Nowjack-Raymer, (2013), the test that is appropriate for my health disparities research plan would probably looking to better understand inequalities as well as health disparities, another test could involve developing testing with interventions that would be targeting people living in poverty, and we could also consider testing implementation and dissemination approaches for exploration to findings that would be effective in order to assure translation that is fast that could be put into practice, bring about some policies with action within communities. (Felton, (2013). The populations used for the scale and test as it relates to health disparities according to the NIDCR authors (Nowjack-Raymer, (2013), will involve research that will be focused on the vulnerable and disadvantaged population in subgroups. The testing population could include: Elders All ethnic and racial populations that are considered to be under health disparities, this will include Hispanic(Mexican, Puerto Rican, South and Central America, Cuban, and all Spanish speaking nations), African Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islander, and Alaskan Rural low income persons, urban dwellers, including Appalachians Persons who are unable leave their homes due to disabilities and persons who are in institutions  the special needs populations that includes persons living with AIDS, developmental or acquired intellectual or physical disabilities. (Nowjack-Raymer, (2013) Data analysis plan: Since in program research there a number that is limited in the efforts to evaluate and create health disparities involving new strategies with the health care system. Here are some of these program that are being supported by the AHRQ – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for example: (EXCEED) or Excellence Centers to Eliminate Ethnic/Racial Disparities, this is a grant program that looks for ways to eliminate health disparities. (Gillian, (2004). Sampling According to website (,(2013), For my Quantitative Research Plan on Health Disparities using ratio measurement because it is the most common level used to measure disparity. The population (units of analysis that are relevant) for this research will include all uninsured African Americans in the United States today. Statistically according to the new Health Care Law or the Affordable Care Act there are 6.8 million African Americans eligible for benefits under the ACA. (Felton, 2013). The population for my study includes all uninsured African Americans in the United States according to the ACA. Population: 6.8 million – African Americans (including male and female), almost half of this number of young adults. This population need to be defined on the basis of: A. Content, B. Extent, and C. Time. Size: 6.8 million. (,(2013). I have made a  change in my population for research which will be first finding a reference point which is critical when doing research on disparity. According to the authors, (Keppel, Pamuk, Lynch, Careter-Pokras, Kim, Mays, Pearcy, Schoenbach, and Weissman,(2005). I will also need to measure disparity in relative or absolution terms. Disparity is very obvious when you realize that disparity occurs when the amount that separates a group from a reference point that is specified on a measure that is particular to health that is expressed in the terms of percentage, rate, means or some other measure that is quantitative. (Felton, 2013). . According to authors, (Keppel, et al, (2005) Sampling: an individual within the Population such as for example the young adult population size of 3.2 million or 47% don’ t have health insurance from the ages 18 to 35 years of age. Type of Sampling used: Probability sampling. A sample need to be able to represent the population it will be used for. When you want to measure a sample and your objective is to work from individual groups in a certain domain then use comparisons that are pair-wise. When you summarize the measures used in your disparity this will quantify all the groups in opposition and any conclusions based on your summary results should be joined and interpreted using all groups. (Felton, 2013) How the sample will be drawn? When disparities are measured, first the reference point need to be identified, next if any two groups need to be compared the reference point with the favorable group need to be used(lowest rates). When using disparities samples it should be measured in both relative and absolute terms and when you are measuring disparities over various of health indicators it should be shown in terms of events that are adverse. Why did you choose this sample size and why it was chosen in relation to the size of your population? I initially chose this sample size since I had 3 populations to choose from  for the uninsured African American population which were male, female, or young adults and I chose the young adult population since I had a solid statistical number of how many of young adults between the ages of 18 to 35 who are uninsured. I am not totally convinced that choosing a sample size representing millions of people will be the correct course for me to take and I had a terrible time trying to create a graph or chart to show my numbers and I could not get the graph to show. Since the number of uninsured Americans is very high even with the Affordable Care Act being in place, I may have to consider working in another area in health disparity. I was attempting to doing a basic line graph chart showing the age of young adults with no health insurance. Since health disparities covers such a wide range of issues I will have to reconsider what area under health disparity I want to cover and research. Ethical Concerns Health Disparities research has emerging advances which include comparative effectiveness studies and controlled trials that are often conducted at academic sites and multiple communities. The institutional review boards (IRBs) has presented a impediment that is major to the effective and timely conduct of health disparity research. When the research involved the underserved communities and minority along with institutional requirements, ethical standards interpretation may be different. These differences can cause complications in the research protocol and informed consent process and may have a negative effect on how the participants will respect this type of research and the quality of the trials. Also the IRB or institutional review board, can also lead to delays that are unnecessary, jeopardizing the capacity to perform collaborative projects and funding. The Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI), Translational Research Network (TRN) have created a community-partnered approach to run side by side with the IRB review directly across the 18 RCMI institutions grantees that make sure compliance while making it better quality of health disparity research. (Hammatt,. and Nishitani, Junko and Heslin, Kevin and Perry and Szetela, and Jones, and Williams, and Antoine-LaVigne, and Forge, and  Norris, Keith C, (2011). Even though Americans are living longer and are healthier, health disparities still exist. However, policymakers are making a response to the health disparity issue by putting together and introducing legislation that are geared toward getting rid of health disparities. (, (2014). The Uninsured Americans as a health disparity There is about 44 million Americans total without health insurance and another 38 million Americans who do not have enough health insurance to meet their healthcare needs. If persons do not have health insurance it will usually mean putting also necessary care such as: Childhood Immunizations Preventive care Routine check-ups no Primary care doctor no access or limited access to prescription drugs being hospitalized for a condition that otherwise would not have led to a hospital stay that could have been avoided if you had health insurance Because of fear of medical bills you may choose to delay care which will usually lead to more cost to you, especially if you have to go to the emergency room. We must also understand that when the uninsured persons face a health crisis because they can’t pay the burden of the cost will be to the insured population. (Glied, (2014). References: Active Campaign, ( 2009). Validity in Research Design. Retrieved from website Bhattacherjee, A.,(2012). SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH: PRINCIPLES, METHODS, AND PRACTICES. Retrieved from website Felton. (2013). _An analysis of personality theory._ Unpublished manuscript, Walden University. Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Nachmias, D. (2008). Research Methods in the Social Sciences 7th Ed. New York: Worth Frist, W., (2005). Overcoming Disparities in U. S. Healthcare. _Health Affairs. Retrieved from website Gibbons, M., (2005). A Historical Overview of Health Disparities and the Potential of eHealth Solutions. _Journal of Medical Internet Research. Retrieved from website Gillian, S., (2004). Addressing Unequal Treatment: Disparities in Healthcare. _The Common Fund. Retrieved from website 9.pdf?section=4039_ Glied, S., (2014). The Uninsured. Retrieved from the website care.,. The Affordable Care Act and the African Americans. Retrieved from website americans04122012a.html012). (HAMMATT,. AND NISHITANI, JUNKO AND HESLIN, KEVIN AND PERRY AND SZETELA, AND JONES, AND WILLIAMS, AND ANTOINE-LAVIGNE, AND FORGE, AND NORRIS, KEITH C, (2011). PARTNERING TO HARMONIZE IRBS FOR COMMUNITY-ENGAGED RESEARCH TO REDUCE HEALTH DISPARITIES. PUBMED.GOV. RETRIEVED FROM WEBSITE HTTP://WWW.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/PUBMED/22102302 (Hidalgo & Goodman, (2012). Validation of Self-Reported Measures in Health Disparities Research. _Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics. Retrieved from website_ research-2155-6180.1000e114.pdf (Keppel, Pamuk, Lynch, Carter-Pokras, Kim, Mays, Pearcy, Schoenbach, & Weisman, (2005). Methodological Issues in Measuring Health Disparities. Retrieved from website Kilbourne, A., Switzer, G., Hyman, K., Crowley-Matoka, M., & Fine, M., (2006). Advancing Health Disparities Research within The Health Care System: A Conceptual Framework. Retrieved from website LOBO, A., & MATEUS, S., (2013). VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF AN EQUITY IN HEALTH CARE SCALE. _SAGE JOURNALS. RETRIEVED FROM WEBSITE_ HTTP://SGO.SAGEPUB.COM/CONTENT/3/4/2158244013506716 Messer, L., (2008). Invited Commentary: Measuring Social Disparities in Health-What Was the Question Again? _American Journal of Epiderminology._ Retrieved from website, (2014). 2014 Health Disparity Legislation. Retrieved from website, Medline Plus., (2013). Health Disparities. Retrieved from website Nowjack-Raymer, (2013). Health Disparities Research Programs. Retrieved from website Ogden, J., & Lo, J.,(2011). How meaningful is data from Likert Scales? An evaluation of how ratings are made and the role of the response shift in the socially disadvantaged. Journal of Health Psychology. Retrieved from website,,(2012). Qualitative and Quantitative Research Techniques for Humanitarian Needs Assessment. _An Introductory Brief._ Retrieved from website humanitarian-needs-assessment. Shavers, V., (2007). Measurement of Socio-economic Status in Health Disparity Research. _Journal of National Medical Association. Retrieved from website_

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Glenn Miller and the Swing/Big Band Era Essays - Instrumentals

Glenn Miller and the Swing/Big Band Era Glenn Miller led the most popular big band in the world during 1939-42 and the most beloved of all the swing-era orchestras. His big band played a wide variety of melodic music and had tremendous success in every area of music. He was with the group for two years, and put together an enjoyable and well-rounded show. Glenn Miller was a man who influenced bands greatly for years. Alton Glenn Miller was born on March 1, 1904 in Clarinda Iowa. His family had a tendency to move frequently, to places such as North Platte, Nebraska, and Grant City, Oklahoma. It was in Grant City that Glenn bought his first trombone, at the age of 13. He earned the money by milking cows for $2 a week (Glenn Miller Biography). Glenn attended high school in Fort Morgan, Colorado. He studied at the University of Colorado for 2 years. It was in college that his interest in music flourished. He continued to play the trombone, his favorite instrument. Even at his young age, he was good enough to play in the Boyd Senter Band in Denver. At that point his love for music took over. Miller dropped out of school and went to the west coast to try his luck at being a musician. Miller played with many small bands until he had the opportunity to join Ben Pollack's orchestra in 1926. At that time the band included such well-known musicians as Loschiavo 4 Benny Goodman, Gill Robin, Fud Livingston, and Dick Morgan. In September of 1926, the Pollack Band went into the recording studios and worked on "When I First Met Mary" and "Deed I Do". These were probably the first record arrangements that Glenn Miller wrote. He stayed with the band until it went to New York in 1928 (Glenn Miller Story). It was then that he married his early love, Helen Berger, and moved with her to Manhattan. In the coming years, he developed his talent by working with Red Nichols in pit orchestras, as Smith Ballew's musical director, and with the Dorsey Brothers. In 1934, Miller helped form Ray Noble's American Orchestra, which soon became popular through radio broadcasts. Miller was the lead trombonist and arranger. In 1937, he left the band, and his own popularity among big band circles enabled him to form his own band, the Glenn Miller Orchestra. They brought out a few records, and went on tour, but the attempt was doomed from the start. He could not keep the orchestra together and had to let all but four musicians go. What Miller needed was his own trademark to distinguish him from the other bands. In 1938, with encouragement from friends, he gave it another try, and Miller built up his new orchestra on the basis of the four remaining musicians Hal McIntyre (alto), Rolly Bundock (bass), Chummy MacGregor (piano) and Bob Price (Glenn Miller Story). This time Miller was lucky enough to be supported by one of the most important agencies of the General Artists corporation and to obtain a record contract with RCA Victor's Budget Bluebird Label. Glenn Miller again went on tour. At this time, he had the distinguishing characteristic in Loschiavo 5 his music of having a clarinet double the sax melody an octave higher. Times nonetheless, were hard until the big breakthrough came in 1939. The General Artist Corporation managed to get Miller an engagement at the Glen Island Casino New Rochelle. Glenn Miller's time had come: on May 17 the band played its first night to a sold-out house and by the end of the engagements all box-office records had been broken. From there they traveled to Baltimore at the beginning of September. At Baltimore's Hippodrome Theater all records were again broken. The orchestra returned to New York and played in front at the largest audience in the city's history at the New York State Fare. On September 9, he broke Guy Lombardo's record attendance from the year 1931 and on October 6 helped Carnegie Hall to achieve new record receipts. The recording was also going full swing. Four records per week were being recorded by the orchestra. It was during this period, on April 4, that Miller's signature

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Economics - Essay Example Here the word economy stands for the national, industrial and firm level economy. But in practical sense it explains our day-to-day individual activities as well. Such activities may run from the way we compete our daily grocery to our evening coffee at a coffee shop. The major distinguishing factor between an economist and a non-economist is that, they have different perspective to see an event that can be as ordinary as picking some flower from the nearby market. This difference in view comes from the analytical economic forecasting that the subject teaches us to become a more rational human being. This forecasting can be made a lot complex if we consider forecasting through statistical data analysis and that might be a whole lot harder to explain to a non-economist. Therefore the present article emphasizes on economic logics that helps us analyse a situation and determine the right time to take an action that might be related with economics. Analytical economic forecasting follows a chain of events that it tries to sew with one another to get to the optimum decision destination. It starts with considering the focused event and ancillary events that are present around that; furthermore it tries to grasp the future events that might follow through in short or long run. Before moving into details it should be kept in mind that economics is a social science and any event in society that is substantially important to influence the surrounding will have an impact on the economy. Let us now analyse what sort of impact a rise in crude oil price might have on the economy from an economist point of view. To a non economist rise in crude oil price will definitely knock his head considering the higher price that he might have to pay now for gasoline; the fuel his car run on. However the wrinkles on his forehead and the anger that lays dormant deep into his heart will be multi fold if he considers the spiral of events that will follow suit a rise in crude oil price. Crud e oil is the prime form of energy in America so a price rise will result in rise in price of energy, domestic and industrial alike. Several industries nation wide (if we restrict our views beyond the national boundary) uses crude oil or its refined form diesel, petrol or gasoline as raw material; a rise in the price of the same will definitely raise the price of those related products. What would be the effect on household? A simple example can be, perishable and non-perishable goods reach our market through goods vehicle that run on crude oil related products. A rise in the price of crude oil will make logistic costlier. This will reflect in higher price for the related goods such as vegetables, meats, milks and etc. Eventually this cost will have to be borne by the consumers, as the producers are always in look out to shift this extra cost burden to the consumers. This is the initiation of inflation spiral where rise in price for a product results in rise in price for other produc ts and eventually within the economy a price related anarchy breaks down that seldom get tamed unless intervened by the government or the market force that is demand and supply interact with optimum speed to settle at a new equilibrium (Crane). The government might set a ceiling on price, or use subsidy. Whether in a free market mechanism the higher price might result in lower demand and greater supply and eventual settlement of price at a manageable level. A non-economist almost always overlooks the inflation spiral that might initiate within the economy from a single and simple event. It is also true that analytical economic forecasting not always provides

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Synthesizing Sodium Ferrate Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Synthesizing Sodium Ferrate - Lab Report Example NaClO is an active component of bleach. Very concentrated solutions of bleach are used as â€Å"liquid chlorine† for swimming pools. NOTE: This synthesis will be performed in the fume hood. The solution will be very basic, so goggles will always be worn while performing this synthesis. Any solution got on hands will be immediately washed with soap and water. 20 mL of commercial bleach is to be poured into a 50 mL beaker. A stirring bar will be added to the beaker and placed on a stir plate. 10 g of NaOH pellets will be added to the beaker of bleach and stirring will be begun. This is an exothermic reaction so the beaker will get warm. 0.50 mL of 0.30 M FeCl3 will be pipetted using the plastic pipette into the dissolved NaOH solution while it is still warm. The mixture will be allowed to stir for approximately 10 minutes. The solution will be allowed to cool for another 3-5 minutes. The formation of the Na2FeO4 will cause the solution to appear purple. Any foam that appears on the surface will have to be removed by blotting with a paper towel. A suction filtration apparatus will be assembled with due consultation of the GSA). A sintered glass filter will be used on top of the vacuum filtration flask, the vacuum will be turned on and the sodium ferrate solution will be added slowly. ... The volume of ferrate solution that was prepared using a graduated cylinder will be measured. The sodium ferrate solution will be stored in a plastic bottle. The bottle will be labeled with this information; Name of the Team Manager, â€Å"Sodium ferrate in water†, concentration of sodium ferrate (will be determined later), date, and the lab section number. Part 2. Calculation of the Percent Yield of Ferrate Produced In the reaction that was just performed, FeCl3 was the limiting reagent. After the theoretical yield (review is on pages133-139 in the textbook, Tro 2nd edition) of sodium ferrate has been calculated in moles, its theoretical concentration, in molarity (M) will be determined with the help of the total volume of solution that was measured in the Part 1. The actual concentration of sodium ferrate in the solution will be calculated with the help of the spectrophotometer and Beer’s Law. The SpectraVis spectrometer will be calibrated with the help of a cuvette o f DI water. The SpectraVis should be in full spectrum mode when calibrating. The DI water will be removed with a plastic pipette so that all the water droplets from the inside corners as well as from the sides of the cuvette can be removed. The sodium ferrate solution will be added to the cuvette (slightly more than half full). The absorbance of the sodium ferrate solution will be recorded at 510 nm. NOTE: If the absorbance at 510 nm gets above 1.5, the ferrate solution in the cuvette will be diluted (not the original solution) until the absorbance is between 1.0 and 1.5. The volume of ferrate solution that was diluted as well as the amount of water which was added to calculate the concentration of the original ferrate solution will be kept track of. The ferrate solution will be

How does the picture of the Catilinarian conspiracy differ between Essay

How does the picture of the Catilinarian conspiracy differ between Cicero and Sallust To what do you attribute these differences - Essay Example But the plot was unearthed followed by the execution of five conspirators, and this revelation compelled Catiline to escape from Rome. Many historians and political experts of the age have presented vivid accounts of Catiline’s life and his famous conspiracy. But of all these, the accounts put forward by Cicero and Sallust stand out in terms of their vivid details, eloquent language and authenticity of information. Marcus Tullius Cicero  was one of the greatest philosophers and prose writers of Rome. Apart from his accomplishments in the sphere of oration and his career as a lawyer, one of his major achievements was his political career. It was in the course of his political career as a consul that the  Second Catilinarian Conspiracy occurred. However, the  attempt to overthrow the Roman government through an external attack was foiled and the ensuing revolt was supressed at that time largely due to the efforts of Cicero. Subsequently, he acquired a Senatus Consultum Ultimum and delivered four fervent speeches against Catiline for his treachery against the Republic. These speeches, collectively known as the Catiline Orations, are classified as rare specimens of an extraordinary rhetorical style. The speeches revealed the truth about the depravity and corruption practised by Catiline and his followers, while denouncing them for extending their support and sympathy to a treacherous rogue l ike Catiline. The acerbic and sardonic tone of the speeches was effective enough to drive Catiline and his followers out of the city. The speech was delivered at the Temple of Jupiter Stator, and was directly addressed to Catiline. The rhetoric was so powerful that Catiline was forced to leave the senate midway during the course of Cicero’s speech. The subsequent speeches, that yielded more evidence against Catiline, were addressed to the people and the senate. Cicero’s first speech was relatively short and precise. It was remarkable for its opening remarks

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sovereignty as Important Aspect to a Nation States Government Research Paper

Sovereignty as Important Aspect to a Nation States Government - Research Paper Example Some states such as the United States of America are more sovereign than others. According to Borensztein (2004:17), the U.S. has been at the forefront in declaring the significance of arsenal nuclear accumulation. The publicizing of nuclear proliferation by corporate media that is revolving around Iraq and the half of North Korea is a concern to the U.S. According to the U.S officials, this move by such countries that seem suspicious calls international intersection. Therefore, since the U.S is more sovereign than Korea, it deployed about thirty-seven thousand troops and stationed them in Korea. In addition, it deployed a massive number of military forces all over Iraq. When the U.S government orders other countries to cease nuclear proliferation, those countries must lower down their defenses and disarm with immediate effect. However, Iraq did not respond to this call by the U.S forcing the U.S to attack the country. After the war kicked off, Iraq could abide with the United Nation s Security Council Resolutions and call off the war, but insisted on keeping its nukes despite the understanding that only the U.S portrays its nuclear as a necessity to its national security. The legitimate purpose of establishing the United Nations was to ensure peaceful negotiations between quarrelling nations and come to a mutual understanding without necessarily resulting in war. However, the case of the USA and Iraq was different since Iraq did not want to resolute to the UN council. It considered the application of ‘Atoms for Peace’ program factoring itself out as sovereign with sovereignty guaranteed in the UN Charter that declares that a sovereign nation has a right to defend itself in case of an external attack. The application of power to control and curb possible risks by the United States depicts its sovereignty (Wilkins & Stark, 2010:41). Therefore, following this example, it is true to say that some nations are more sovereign compared to others. Some stat es are more sovereign than others are because politicians and globalists strive to acquire power by use of substantial resolutions.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Choose 1 of the 4 questions I will upload on the file Essay

Choose 1 of the 4 questions I will upload on the file - Essay Example s the biggest competition on the market, public service broadcasting (PBS) has a lot to offer to its audience in order to stay competitive and up-to-date. Growing internet penetration represents another challenge for broadcasters. Governmental intervention has always represented a constant danger for media independence. According to the official website of UNESCO public broadcasting â€Å"is broadcasting made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned, free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces (Public Service Broadcasting).† What does it mean â€Å"financed and controlled by the public†? Does the government serve the interests of the public when impose regulations or censor the actions of the PBS? In this paper I would like to address these questions and issues that public broadcasters are facing. The role and importance of public service broadcasters has changed over the time, but the services that broadcasters provide are still valued, appreciated and needed. It is hard to define what public service broadcasting is since the role of the PBS is changing and there is no clear universal and accepted model in the world. However majority of scholars, journalists and media professionals agree that public broadcasting should be independent from the state interference and regulation, even though public broadcasters use public funds and serve the public interest. PBS should provide examples of professional journalistic standards and practices. At the same time transparency and accountability are also vital for the effective work of PBS. These ideas provide a definition of a perfect system of PBS, while things are different in reality. I would definitely support Richard Berry who believes that public services, such as enhancing democratic changes, supporting cultural values and educational norms should go first and broadcasting second (Jakubowicz 2007). The question is: â€Å"should PBS give

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Organizing BOS Tesla Motors 2011 events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizing BOS Tesla Motors 2011 events - Essay Example There will also be a dyno- test for Tesla Roadster and Tesla Roadster Sport to show how powerful Tesla’s engine compares to other competitors, such as: Porsche Boxter, BMW 5-series, Mercedes Benz E-class, and Lexus GS. For enlivening our events, here is the official list of raffle items for Tesla BOS 2011: (1) Electric Zero Emission Scooter developed by Tesla Motors. (1) Free set of RIMS for your Tesla by Sleek Motoring. (1) Free Photo shoot on your Tesla by (3) Detailing products packages by Country Club Car Wash. (5) $50 Gift Certificates towards Labor by Tesla Mobile Service Team. (5) Tesla shirt (8) Tesla baseball cap (10) Tesla coffee mug Information about the events All of Tesla’s staff and guests who have interest on Tesla’s products are welcome to attend. Everybody is able to bring their families, friends, or coworkers to participate in this event. The only requirement for Tesla staff is that you have to sign up online in order to be admitted. Anyone who drives up to Tesla’s headquarters and is not on the registration list will have to park outside the Santana Row parking lot after caravanning from the headquarters. There will be adequate parking space for the staff members and guests. There is an option of cancelling or not showing up in this event, so if you might come to this event please sign up now. See you guys on BOS, Stay tuned for more information. Register here: At the bottom is the invitation for the Beginning of Summer Tesla event. The invitation will be send through e-mail to every staff member of Tesla and it also will be posted in Tesla Motors Club forum and Tesla Facebook and Twitter

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Euro Crisis Essay Example for Free

Euro Crisis Essay The ability of Euro zone countries (countries in Europe that use the common currency called the Euro) to borrow in a common currency poses free-rider problems because there may be an incentive to bailout countries that borrow excessively. How does the original design of the Euro attempt to address this incentive to over-borrow by some countries? The free rider problem refers to when someone is capturing the full benefit of an action while shifting the cost to others. The free-rider problem built into the euro lies into the fiscal structure, since the countries were fiscally undisciplined and also governments were gaining political gain running deficits supported by their euro partner nations. Over borrowing occurred due to the incentive of governments to borrow in a common currency; to address this issue the original design had to solutions. One was the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) which limited budget deficit to up to 3% of GDP and 60% of stock of public debt, aiming to ensure fiscal discipline; where if a member state was in an excessive deficit situation then the council could impose sanctions. The Second rule is a â€Å"no bailout† clause stating that community shall not be liable for the debt of governments (with some exceptions) The original design of the euro sought to address the over-borrowing. Why were the measures in the original Euro design insufficient in preventing the Euro sovereign debt problems? First it is important to point out that the sovereign debt crisis is significantly tied to the banking crisis and macroeconomic crisis through the entire euro area. The original measure was insufficient because in a way these measures actually worsen the crisis. The sovereign debt crisis can be divided in three phases: pre-crisis period, the financial and sovereign debt crisis and post-crisis recovery. The initial design affected the pre-crisis since in reality it increased fiscal risk due to the increased in the current account imbalances across the euro area and also the dispersion in credit boom, housing prices and sectorial debt levels. Then, during the crisis 2007-2008 the original design actually augmented the fiscal impact since the global financial shock had diverse impacts across the euro area and policies were focus on European Central Bank to address the financial shock, not accounting these policies prompted a worse euro sovereign debt crisis (Especially countries with macro-imbalances). Thirdly, the original measures slowed down the post-crisis recovery period because the stated estrictions of deficit and debt made the recovery stretched, along with the poor political management of countries’ institutions to solve factors involving the crisis. What are the new reforms to address sovereign debt concerns? What makes the new measures superior to the original ones? The new reforms to address the sovereign debt is compounded on a treaty called â€Å" Fiscal Compact Treaty† which requires new fiscal principles to be pose in each country (Jan 2013). These fiscal reforms are based on two principles: a void high public debt since it’s a threat to fiscal stability. Second, the fiscal balance has to be close to zero. The improvement is a structural budget balance less than 1% of GDP when debt is below 60%. Also the country that has higher public debt (off the limit) will have to correct the issue with a timeline. Though this reform is a little more efficient than the original, it still has major implementation problems since it requires adjustments on forecast errors for the structural budget balance. Also it’s difficult to accurately trust the ability of governments to identify and tackle down excessive imbalances.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Richard Cory

Richard Cory Richard Cory Poems are probably the best thing around the world there are so many poems that either explain a sense of feeling, anger, disappointment, illusion or also signify a way of showing love. Some of the things that go around the world are probably express in poems, letters and songs, which in later times this expression come to each individual and express the significance of the meaning of each poem or song to tell the individual what is happening around the world. The poem â€Å"Richard Cory† by Edwin Arlington Robinson has something in meaning either about people who are rich but also those that work off each time to get the food on their table every day. The poem and the song have their difference and similarities, but in particular who is Richard Cory, politics, and social influences. At the beginning of the poem we come to understand that it is talking about a man named Richard Cory, a man that is wealthy and well known to the town he lives in. The author introduces the reader with a sentence that says â€Å"We people on the pavement looked at him† coming to question the significance of â€Å"we† it is not clear to the reader how â€Å"we† comes is interpret in the poem. Is it the people on the town or the people that surround Richard Cory? According to a quote in Oppapers .com it specifies that â€Å"Richard Cory† is known as a â€Å"symbolic of upper society, and the towns people are symbolic of the middle class.† Richard Cory does not want any other human being to be just like him; this is probably why he is known as a powerful individual. A part of the poem mention how â€Å"he was a gentleman from sole to crown† taking place that the words in particular mean something to the poem itself. Sole and crown come to mean t hat one of a kind human being having a dominion of a sovereign (monarchy), making people feel he is as dominant as a king. He acts as a well educated and outstanding person that all the people around him admire the vivid image they saw in him as a God. Having a little understanding of who really is Richard Cory, we have knowledge to determine that people wish they could be at the same level as him, â€Å"richer than a king† understanding this is obviously unpredictable because according to the website Cummings guide it says â€Å"suggest Richard Cory is the name of a British king of, Richard I, who reigned from 1189 to 1199.† Richard Cory is a well know king of England, which was a king that fought against his own family, and well known to the public for his bloody fights he had encounter with other countries. The song â€Å"Richard Cory† by Simon and Garfunkel contradicts itself with two different views, one part is the fact that â€Å"he was born to society, a bankers only child† with â€Å"power, grace and style† every man wishes they had. Some parts of the song contradicts the poem because it does not mention in the poem that Richard Cory has a factory and that people work for him, but in the song it clearly mentions that he has a factory, making people who work for him curse the life they have. Seen the good quality of life that Richard Cory lived in made them wish that they could be him instead of â€Å"waiting for the light† (Cummings). Simon and Garfunkel quoted in their song â€Å"The papers print his picture almost everywhere he goes Richard Cory at the opera, Richard Cory at a show†. The song makes Richard Cory be as a celebrity, a person well known to society but also a person with class and a passion of been in social events rather than being a lonely person like it is mention in the poem. Other parts of the song that contradicted the poem, quotes â€Å"He freely gave to charity, he had the common touch, and they were grateful for his patronage and thanked him very much† (Simon and Garfunkel). People see a different Richard Cory, a guy that tries to help people and offers charity for people who are poor; they thanked him for all his contribu tions. In the poem he is known as a stock up and arrayed individual, who demanded the people around him. Some of the things we can easily see in the poem and in the song are politics. First the author Edwin Robinson talks in the poem about how he was â€Å"richer than a king† and â€Å"admirably schooled in every grace.† Richard Cory is seen as a king probably the king of England, who reins a country and wanted control over all the nations around him. Some of the problems was that they saw Richard Cory having maximum power, this made people be fearful at what he can do by harming its own people. His followers wish they had the same power as he did, disturbing the minds of those people made him belief that he had all the power and that they need to be just like him to gain the things he had, at least the selfishness he had just because he had maintain a well style of life with food and luxury. In the other side the song has different view of the Richard Cory he makes â€Å"political connections to spread his wealth around.† The song writer Simon and Garfunkel want the writer to see Richard Cory not as a king but rather as a guy with political influences that can control the way he can spend his wealth and capacity of controlling the things he has and gaining trust in the workers. When it says â€Å"wealth around† it a significance that Richard Cory according to the song wants to expand the use of his wealth and duplicated the things he has or it could also be that he wants to share the wealth to those people that envy him and want to be just like him, making them feel for a moment be just like him. Other issues that concern some will be the power that Richard Cory already has may cause him to want more power and be as powerful as a king, which in this will see the man with a monarchy, governing all the men and unsatisfying the peoples needs causing the mistru st in all the people and even himself. Some of the specifics that are encounter in the poem and song are that The influences of society over Richard Cory clearly, is obvious when the author Edwin Robinson makes Richard Cory as a handsome and wealthy person, making people want to be in his position because of the happy life he has. What society did not see was that inside that smile there was a man that did not have a perfect life, like everyone thought he had. The issues that Richard Cory had were hidden because he did not want society to know his lonely life; probably not having a family or love to share with. People could have provoked Richard Cory to kill himself because they talk too much about him, leaving him with almost no choice but to kill himself. Because he probably wanted to show the town that although he had money he was not happy with his life. Richard Cory was seen as a gentleman, and well schooled, he got tired of people only caring about what he had rather than the feeling that he wanted to give to people. This proves the quotes â€Å"money cannot buy you happiness it only buys isolation,† also, The poem â€Å"Richard Cory† wants humanity to realize that there are problems on thinking that been rich is everything in the world and reaching this is the fulfillment of happiness but like in the poem been wealthy may cause many people to kill themselves because they are not satisfy. He had everything he needed, everything he wanted but he did not have the valuable thing that a human being needs, happiness Yes, he helped the poor and also gave jobs to the needy but by doing that he was trying to buy peoples affections, so he would have friends. It is peoples natural instincts that if they cannot treat each other as humans with respect and love, then they will separated from the others in order to satisfy their own needs Overall, the poem and the songs had a meaning to each reader taking it from the egoism or the unhappiness that Richard Cory had, that ended up on killing himself with a pistol that went through his head. Of course, in reality there could be things that happen to people who are miserable because they do not have anyone to share their wealth. Like the things that were brought to the poem about who was really Richard Cory, the politics it brought as people so him as a king and probably the influences that people had over Richard Cory that ended up his life and brought knowledge to those people that thought that money has the happiness for all. Works Cited Robinson Edwin â€Å"Richard Cory† Rpt. In. Reading Literature and Writing Argument. 3th Ed. Missy James and Allan P. Merickel. Upper Saddle, River New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.192

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Causes Of The Pelopenesian War Essay -- essays research papers

The Causes of the Peloponessian War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ancient Greece during the 4th century B.C. was home to the city-states of Sparta and Athens. These two communities were the superpowers of the region during that time. The peloponnesian war between these two states evolved out of a string of events that would lead to years of conflict.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When looking for a single cause of the peloponnesian war none can be found. Over time many events contributed to the eventual war between Sparta and Athens. I believe the peloponnesian war evolved because of Athenian support for Spartan enemies, Spartan alarm at a rise in Athenian power, and the drastic differences between the two cultures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 435 B.C., Corcyra, a Corinthian colony declared itself independent of Corinth. Corinth responded by sending a fleet to reduce the rebelling island city. In fear Corcyra appealed to Athens for help and swayed by the Corcyrain diplomats, the Athenians sent military aid. A battle took place, in which the navies of Corcyra and Athens fought against those of Corinth. Sparta, who was allied with Corinth and relied upon it as a source of income, saw the Athenian support of the Corcyrain rebels as an act of aggression against the peloponnesian league (Sparta and her allies). The alliance made between Athens and Corcyra was also viewed as a violation of the peace treaty of 445 B.C. between the peloponnesian league and the Athenian league. Athens ignored all Spartan protest about its involvement in the Corcyrain campaign. Further feud was created between Sparta and Athens in 432 B.C. in Potidaea. Potidaea was a city that was tributary to Athens but Co rinthian in blood. Tired of paying tribute to Athens the citizens of Potidaea attempted to expel the Athenian power. Athens’ soldiers besieged the city and once again Athenians were battling Corinthians. Corinth, aiding the people of Potidaea faced an embargo by Athens. Enraged by this act Sparta appealed the Athenians to end the embargo, but was ignored. Sparta conviened the peloponnesian council and Greece moved one step closer to the peloponnesian war. It could be argued that Sparta and Athens were already preparing for war with each other and that the support of their allies’ wars against each other was not a direct cause of the war but si... ...led to a natural distrust between the two cultures. Pericles, the Athenian ruler before and during the Peloponessian war once compared the â€Å"living force of Athenian freedom with the dead hand of Spartan tyranny†. Thucydides once quoted a Spartan describing the Athenians; â€Å" The Athenians are addicted to innovation, and their designs are characterized by swiftness alike in conception and execution; you have a genius for keeping what you have got, accompanies by a total want of invention, and when forced to act you never go far enough. Again they are adventurous beyond their power, and daring beyond their judgement †¦Ã¢â‚¬  These two quotes show a clear dislike between the two peoples. The two superpowers, so different in culture could not avoid conflict, conflict that eventually resulted in the peloponnesian war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The roots of the peloponessian war can be traced back to many specific instances but on the most part three main elements caused its rise; Sparta’s anger at Athenian aid to Spartan enemies, Spartan fear of Athenian power, and the hostility and mistrust caused by the radical differences between the two societies. The peloponnesian war was inevitable.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Baptism :: essays research papers

Baptism- What does the Bible say? Definitions of Baptism in the Greek dictionary of the N.T. in Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (of words found in KJVB). (#907) - baptizo- from a derivation of bapto (#911); to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the N.T) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: -- baptist, baptize, wash. (#908) ? batisma- from baptizo (#907); baptism (technical or figurative): - baptism. (#909)- baptismos- from baptizo (#907); ablution (ceremonially or Christian): - baptism, washing. (#910)- Baptistes- from baptizo (#907); a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ?s forerunner: - Baptist. Where it is found and what is the Greek word is used?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Baptism (All use #908) M?t   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:1-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20:22-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20:23-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  21:25-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   M?r   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:4-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:38-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:39-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11:30-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lu   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:3-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7:29-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  12:50-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20:4- Ac   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:22-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:37-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  13:24-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  18:25-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  19:3-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  19:4- Ro   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6:4- Eph   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4:5- Col   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2:12- 1 Pe   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:21- baptisms (uses #909) Heb 6:2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Baptist M?t  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:1-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (uses #910)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11:11-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11:12-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14:2 -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  16:14-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  17:13-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ? M?r  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6:14-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (uses #907)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6:24-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (uses #910)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6:25-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8:28-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ? Lu   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7:20-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7:28-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7:33-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  9:19-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baptist?s (uses#910) M?t  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14:8   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Baptize (all use #907) M?t  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:11 M?r   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:4   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:8 Lu  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:16 John  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:26   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:33 1 Co  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:17   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  baptized (all use #907) M?t  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:6   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:14  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   baptized (all use #907)-continued- M?t   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:16   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20:22   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20:23 M?r  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:8   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:9   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:38   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:39   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  16:16 Lu  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:7   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:12   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:21   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7:29   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7:30   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  12:50 John  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:22   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:23   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4:1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4:2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:40 Ac  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2:38   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2:41   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8:12   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8:13 8:16 8:36 8:38 9:18 10:47 10:48 11:16 16:15 16:33 18:8 19:3 19:4 19:5 22:16 Ro  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6:3 1 Co  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:14   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:15   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:16   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10:2 baptized (all use #907)-continued- 1 Co  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  12:13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15:29 Ga  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:27   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  baptizest (uses #907) John  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:25   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  baptizeth (uses #907) John  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:33   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:26   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  baptizing (all use #907) M?t  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28:19 John  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:28  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1:31   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3:23 Acts 17:11 ?Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.? (NIV) *Use NIV, NAS, and King James Versions to get the most accurate interpretation. Baptism necessary or not? Baptism (Greek: baptizo): immersion (From the Greek expository dictionary)- ?It is used in the NT in Luke 11:38 of washing oneself (as in 2Kings 5:14, ?dipped himself,? Sept.); see also Isa. 21:4, lit., ?lawlessness overwhelms me.? In the early chapters of the four Gospels and in Acts 1:5; 11:16; 19:4, it is used of the rite performed by John the Baptist who called upon the people to repent that they might receive remission of sins. Those who obeyed came ?confessing their sins,? thus acknowledging their unfitness to be in the Messiah?s coming kingdom. Distinct from this is the ?baptism? enjoined by Christ, Matt. 28:19, a ?baptism? to be undergone by believers, thus witnessing to their identification with Him in death, burial, and resurrection (e.g. Acts 19:5; Rom. 6:3-4; 1Cor. 1:13-17, 12:13; Gal. 3:27; Col 2:12). The phrase in Matt. 28:19, ?baptizing them into the Name? (RV; cf. Acts 8:16), would indicate that the ?baptized? person was closely bound to, or became property of, the one in whose name he was ?baptized.?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Acts 22:16 it is used in the middle voice, in the command given to Saul of Tarsus, ?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mary Magdalen of Dostoevskys Notes from Underground Essay -- Notes Fr

Not for this I was born and then raised up. Unacquainted was I with such need. I once prayed to God, I was faithful. I once had a soul that knew peace. -from "Fallen," a Russian brothel song (Bernstein, 169) Prostitutes, women who sell their bodies for money, have been frowned upon since antiquity by most members of society. However, from as early as Rahab, the Whore of Jericho in the Old Testament who helped Joshua and his men regain the Promised Land, prostitutes have been portrayed as not only as sinners with the possibility of redemption, but women who lead men to salvation as well. This trend was particularly taken up in nineteenth-century Russian literature: "Elevated into powerful literary symbols by authors like Dostoevsky, Tolstoy..., prostitutes became female archetypes who either disillusioned the men with whom they associated or raised them to a higher plane of being" (11). Dostoevsky uses this idea of a "saintly prostitute" repeatedly in his works. The archetype that Bernstein claims he creates in based on the image of Mary Magdalen from the New Testament, the celebrated reformed prostitute who devotes her life to Christ. Crime and Punishment's Sonya Marmeladova, of whom "No tes from Underground's Liza is a prototype, performs the role of the penitent sinner who leads the way to salvation: the saintly prostitute Mary Magdalen. Despite common belief, Mary Magdalen is never referred to as a reformed prostitute in the four Gospels of the New Testament, though her actual role is just as pertinent to Dostoevsky's writing. In spite of the Gospels' tendencies to conflict with each other, they agree on four aspects of the Magdalen's life. First of all, she is one of Jesus Christ's female followers who is present at ... ...r one's sins and the perpetual chance of salvation. Works Cited Bernstein, Laurie. Sonia's Daughter's: Prostitutes and Their Regulation in Imperial Russia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. Conradi, Peter. Modern Novelists: Fyodor Dostoevsky. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. Dostoevsky, Fyodor M. Crime and Punishment. Trans. Jessie Coulson. Ed. George Gibian. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1989. Dostoevsky, Fyodor M. "Notes from Underground." Trans. Andrew R. MacAndrew. New York: Penguin Books, 1961. Haskins, Susan. Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor. London: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1993. Malvern, Marjorie M. Venus in Sackcloth: The Magdalen's Origins and Metamorphoses. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975. Wasiolek, Edward. Dostoevsky: The Major Fiction. Cambridge, MA: The M.I.T. Press, 1964.

Alternative Scenarios/Future Analysis & Delphi Technique

The way word ‘dynamic’ has qualified itself, to describe current affairs, implies that future is getting more uncertain now. Radical changes in the past have made present more autonomous; and future more unpredictable. Need to understand and define the future have made it more demanding for the analysts to outline different trends curtailing to specific events, wonder what might happen next, and make strategies to control the future. Before stepping into the world ‘about to come’, it is important to understand that future is not prediction, there’s nothing rationale known about future, and tomorrow would not be like today.Studying future needs a systematic approach that involves identification of past trends, study of current scenarios, and exploring possible alternatives, given possible scenarios. Alternative Future Alternative future analysis is critically an assessment approach that provides large scale long term perspective of a problem that could be divided into different alternative, each curtailing to any one sub-perspective. It helps translate different visions and goals into alternatives, which could be assessed by the experts/analysts. It provides the policy makers with a ‘vision’ to follow, in case any scenario/alternative is realized.As all these alternatives are critically evaluated socio-economically, ecologically and rationally, chances of their sustenance is far better than many other future predicting techniques. There are two main ways the alternative future analysis process operates (Steinitz 2003 and Theobald & Hobbs 2002). Firstly, it is the formation of numerous alternative plans, assessing their consequences, and then following the most desirable one. It involves geometrical, pre-dominant and political interests of people. This approach is simple, but, simplicity is also a limitation (Steinitz 2003).Secondly, it is the identification of ‘most’ important issues, pertaining to polic y and decision making. Concluded scenario reflects the inputs of different people, reflected from the choices made for it (Steinitz 2003). Scenario Analysis Scenario analysis is a strategic tool, designed impeccably to design strategies, based on multiple outcomes or complex competitive situations (Sandmore, 2005). Selection of scenarios/outcomes is based upon the probabilities assigned to them, in response to values attained from different related factors. These responses help analysts develop contingency plan that covers many different possibilities.Moreover, they can identify potential threats, and can evaluate current strategy, working under the similar model. The analysis starts with the assumption that some future state has been achieved; now the work starts backwards. It helps identify all those factors and their probable affect, until a ‘base case’ is prepared. Now those variables are altered to consider the changes in the output. So it gives analysts more contr ol over the variables, and helps decision makers identify different variables, with respect to their impact and urgency. It is important to understand that it does not predict future, it just gives a possibility.Its success is very much dependent upon the level of details or factors involved are identified by the analysts, and how correctly they have related those factors to the scenario. Those factors could be political, technological, economical or social in nature. It also helps analysts understand different scenarios, and make best use of it by controlling most effective variable. Consequently, it increases the decision making time, that could result in change of some factors or scenarios over time. Moreover, external impacts could not be controlled, and their happening is not easily predictable.It also increases the chances of errors, and questions the dependability of analysis. Delphi Technique Derived from a Greek’s oracle, Delphi is the best known qualitative, structu red and indirect future prediction method in use today (Woudenberg, 1991). It consists of a sequence of steps adopted for provoking and refining opinions of different experts (Brown, 1968). This technique was adopted by multiple disciplines and each altered it to its use; hence we have three different techniques in use today. Conventional Delphi is used for forecasting and estimating unknown parameters up to a level of consensus.Policy Delphi is used to generate most opposite ideas or opinions to identify the two extremes (Bjil, 1992). Decision Delphi, on the other hand, is utilized to reach decisions amongst experts, with all contributing in the solution. While following Delphi approach, firstly, all the participants are informed, informally, about issues to be discussed. Secondly, a questionnaire regarding issue is distributed. This part includes great involvement of monitoring team, as this must elicit convergent and divergent points. Thirdly, more questionnaires are distributed, each with the knowledge about the previous one.This helps them refine their opinions, and could mold the respondents’ answers to a particular direction. It is repeated, until and unless a final consensus is achieved. Finally, the coordinating team pulls together all the responses and consensus into a final report (Masini, 1993). The most unfortunate development in the end of nineteenth century was the formation of Al-Qaida that has threatened most of the developed economies, especially United States of America and United Kingdom. In 1998, Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaida, announced that his league will be in pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).Since then, many American and European countries have put hands together to fight against the increasing influence of these terrorists. After the most drastic terrorist attack of 9/11, US forces, in support of many European forces, attacked Afghanistan, the biggest suspect of Al-Qaida home-base. Later, in 2003, US force s invaded Iraq. Here the culprit was Saddam Hussein, who was declared an agent of Al-Qaida. Since then, North Korea, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan have been the targets of US in its war against terrorism. This war, one way or the other, is weakening both Al-Qaida and US economy.In retaliation to US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, Al-Qaida’s race to get hold of WMD have intensified. What this war has in stored for our future is a big question mark for us. To understand what different experts have to say about it, a project is initiated, in which diplomats, critics, politicians, journalists and policy makers will be surveyed, using Delphi technique. First of all, through emails, letters and visitors, all these participants will be selected, based upon their availability, level of involvement in current affairs, especially war against terrorism, critical insight and reputation amongst the colleagues.Once their participation will be confirmed, all of them will be officially communic ated about the issue to be discussed, which is the sensitivity of WMD, and possible targets of Al-Qaida attacks in US. Major research will carry around: the importance of WMD; whether or not Al-Qaida has one of it; possible target of Al-Qaida’s attacks in US; security levels in US; and response of US nation towards US policy of war against terrorism. Major assumptions will be taken based on the trend analysis, by monitoring team.Major targets will be nominated based upon following factors: Location (geographically and strategically); Importance (economic and defense); Security (national and nominal); Population (distribution and class); Impact (economically and socially); and Urgency. These factors will further be classified based upon the response from the experts. All the participants will be allowed to make any assumptions, which should be communicated before the submission of questionnaire. Major questions for the first round will be: 1. Is Al-Qaida a threat to US, or a t icket to failing states?2. Are Weapons of Mass Destruction in safe hands? 3. Does Al-Qaida have Weapons of Mass Destruction? 4. Are Al-Qaida attacks consequences of US policies? 5. What could be the purpose of Al-Qaida’s attack in US? 6. Can US sustain Al-Qaida’s attacks? 7. What could be the possible target of Al-Qaida? 8. Is US national strong enough to stop Al-Qaida’s attack? 9. How concern is US nation about terrorism? 10. Is Al-Qaida making its roots in Americans? References Bjil R (1992). â€Å"Delphi in a future scenario study on mental health and mental health care† in Futures Vol 24, No 3, pp 232-250Brown B (1968). Delphi Process: A Methodology Used for the Elicitation of Opinions of Experts Santa Monica: The RAND Corporation Foreign Policy (2010, January 25th). Al-Qaida’s pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction. August 9, 2010, from http://www. foreignpolicy. com/articles/2010/01/25/al_qaedas_pursuit_of_weapons_of_mass_destruction Masini, E (1993). Why Futures Studies? London: Grey Seal Steinitz, Carl (2003) Alternative futures for changing landscapes. USA: Island Press Woudenberg F (1991). â€Å"An Evaluation of Delphi† in Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol 40, pp 131-150

Monday, September 16, 2019

How to Discipline Students with Disabilities

There's nothing more difficult than having to discipline a child with emotional disability. These children needs special attention rather than the reward-and-punishment method or giving disciplinary action as with any other regular child. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides â€Å"procedural safeguards designed to assure that students with disabilities were not arbitrarily removed from their parent approved program without consent and were guaranteed a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) within the least restrictive environment (LRE)† (Dwyer 1997).These safeguards, however, are oftentimes misunderstood by school officials which tend to affect other students seriously. Kevin Dwyer gave examples wherein students with disability have caused serious troubles without being given considerable disciplinary action. One child, in one of his fits, punched another who was â€Å"quietly waiting in line outside her classroom† (Dwyer 1997). Another sets a trash on fire. As said by the security specialist, when he was prohibited to use the usual disciplinary procedure: â€Å"Those kids get away with murder† (Dwyer 1997).According to Dwyer (1997), â€Å"there is nothing in IDEA which restricts schools from disciplining students with disabilities. In fact, some would say that by not addressing these dangerous behaviors the student with special needs is not receiving an â€Å"appropriate† education. Both of these children may need specialized services to change the disruptive and dangerous behavior to make sure whatever discipline is used works in preventing a reoccurrence of that behavior. † In an attempt to increase the positive and decrease the negative behaviors, Dwyer provides practical concepts in giving discipline among children with disabilities.One concept in which the school may assert positive behavioral response is establishing a code of conduct that includes consequences for violations which â₠¬Å"substantially disrupts the rights of others to be physically safe and to be educated† (Dwyer 1997). Dwyer suggested that children with disabilities need assistance and instructions to master appropriate behavior, which basically mean that they need special attention in demonstrating socially appropriate behaviors.He suggested the involvement of parents in teaching the code of discipline to children with disabilities. He also suggested to incorporate the code of discipline in the disabled child's IEP (Individualized Educational Program). He held that â€Å"IEPs are designed to address both traditional academic needs and in ‘meeting each of the child's other educational needs that result from the child's disability'† (Dwyer 1997). He also said the law provides that schools shall consider â€Å"strategies, including positive behavioral interventions† (Dwyer 1997).An example includes that for a child with attention deficit disorder, the IEP goals must includ e support and specialized help in increasing attention and sustained effort, probably by rewarding the child's effort for being attentive. For a child who cannot speak clearly or communicate feelings, alternative methods for communicating and for coping with frustration must be applied â€Å"before the disruptive behavior becomes routine and results in disciplinary action which may only increase the disruptive behavior† (Dwyer 1997). Dwyer held that some of these concepts may also be applied to other â€Å"troubling students.†He held that it is the â€Å"school's responsibility to maintain a safe environment conducive to learning† and that any behavior â€Å"which block learning and the success of educational program should be addressed†(Dwyer 1997). It is imperative that school officials find a way to address the behavioral needs of children with disabilities, but, as already mentioned, parents also have the responsibility to partake, of which, in the fi rst place, they should have been the one to initiate. â€Å"School and parents should work cooperatively to change the pattern of negative behavior,† Dwyer (1997) said.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Character Studies in the Ruby in the Smoke

In the novel Ruby in the Smoke, Phillip Pullman has created sleazy, nasty villains and wholesome, trustworthy, kind-hearted heroes and heroines. This character study looks at the behaviour of these important heroes and heroines in vital events in the novel. It also includes details about their appearance, personality and lifestyles. 1. Sally Lockhart Set in 1872, the Ruby in the Smoke involves sixteen year old Sally Lockhart. Sally is uncommonly pretty at the time; the quotation at the start of Chapter 1 shows us this: ‘She was slender and pale, and dressed in mourning, with a black bonnet under which she tucked in a straying twist of blonde hair that the wind had teased loose. She had unusually dark brown eyes for one so fair.' Sally Lockhart is a serious middle-class orphan whose late ‘father' taught her a variety of useful things; accounting, Hindustani, marksmanship, finance and shooting: ‘As a result, her knowledge of English literature, French, History, Art and Music was non-existent.' Sally's lack of insight in these quarters caused trouble with her guardian Mrs Rees and so her stay there ended. Sally Lockhart shows sensitivity throughout the novel: ‘What are you scowling for?' he said at one point †¦ ‘I wasn't scowling,' she said, sounding petulant and childish' Sally's sensitiveness also links in with her willingness to let Frederick Garland take charge, this quotation helps us visualise this: ‘She was in danger †¦, and was glad of his company.' This shows her lack of decisiveness and most of the novel portrays Sally in this fashion. Sally often seems to feel vulnerable in the novel; this quotation shows us this: ‘Sally nearly quailed †¦ and took a step backwards in fright' In the balance of the last three quotations Sally Lockhart can be seen as a weak, powerless and indecisive heroine but Sally's part in the novel has much more to it. Sally proves to be resourceful to the Garlands: ‘Wouldn't it be possible to tell a story in pictures?' Sally's thoughts bring in plenty of money and solidify her role as a strong business woman. During these parts or chapters in the novel, Sally gains significant authority, determination and control. Sally Lockhart shows fearlessness and determination at the end of the novel to defeat her enemy Mrs Holland: ‘The old woman plunged. She fell without a cry †¦ Mrs Holland was dead.' This victory symbolises her courage and quick-witted thinking she showed to react to Mrs Holland's actions and words. To summarise, Sally Lockhart is young, sensitive, and, at times, willing to let Frederick Garland take charge, however she is also a resourceful, fearless, determined, and an independent heroine. 2. Frederick Garland Another one of the important characters is Frederick Garland, a photographer with imagination. The quotation tells us about Frederick's appearance: ‘He looked an amiable young man.' Frederick is caught up in Sally's mystery, he proves to be trustworthy, helpful and decisive through out Pullman's novel. Criticisms of Frederick's character involve his poor organisation and planning. The following quotation shows us this: ‘†¦ Frederick Garland!† she stormed. â€Å"Those bills are have been waiting since Easter,† ‘ Frederick's organisation has cost him plenty of money through out the novel; he should show slightly elevated interest on his personal gain. Frederick's poor planning skill also links in with his dreadful business abilities; these weaknesses have affected many situations within Pullman's novel. Frederick's character possesses lots of effective strengths in this novel. One of them is his braveness as shown by the quotation: ‘But he's brave though.' This quality has come to Frederick's rescue plenty of times as well as this his braveness has also offered sufficient help to other characters (particularly Sally, Jim and Adelaide). Due to these acts, Frederick is known as a trustworthy character. In an earlier chapter, Frederick provided help to Sally. This short passage notifies this: ‘ â€Å"In the tent,† he said' Throughout the Ruby in the Smoke, Frederick has been helpful and kind. This point also links in with his ability to think and to stay calm even when under pressure. However, his more brilliant qualities are shown towards the end of the novel when he is portrayed as a ‘life saver'. This is proved by this quotation showing Mr Berry's surprise at Frederick's determination: ‘ â€Å"How?† said Mr Berry. †¦. â€Å"I thought I sorted you out.† ‘ During this chapter, Frederick showed his selfless abilities to save the lives of Jim and Adelaide. To conclude Frederick Garland is a helpful, brave, decisive and a trustworthy character. 3. Mrs Holland The villain of Pullman's novel is the mean and manipulative Mrs Holland. Her appearance is described by this quotation: ‘She was a wizened old woman with sunken cheeks, pinched lips, and glittering eyes.' It is obvious from the earlier chapter that Mrs Holland possesses villainous qualities. One of them is her cruel and cunning thinking: ‘So I think she'd better have an accident†¦ One look at the paper tomorrow and you'll do whatever I want.' This shows that Mrs Holland has no conscience to threaten and blackmail, she is only interested in her personal gain. However, Mrs Holland is dexterous at her trade, she proves that she is manipulative. We can also sense that Mrs Holland is disliked by others: ‘ â€Å"You spider. You calculating old bitch.† ‘ Mrs Holland has earned herself plenty of enemies. In contrast to the selfless and caring heroes, she proves to be greedy and unkind to others throughout the novel. Heartless is an excellent description Mrs Holland's character, this is proved by the following quotation: ‘It's the girl †¦ I'll have her and I'll tear her open, I will †¦ and I'll have her life.' Mrs Holland is cold hearted, she wishes evil to others and she makes it clear that nothing will stop her from achieving her ambitions. Particularly towards the latter stages Mrs Holland overreacts: ‘She thrust Sally aside and scrambled up on to the parapet. She tottered wildly †¦' Mrs Holland is unable to remain calm. However, her knowledge of her surroundings was excellent: ‘She will find me and drag me out †¦ She knows everythink. Everythink and everyone.' ‘ â€Å"Sorry, ma'am,† †¦ feeling ashamed of himself and not knowing why.' Mrs Holland shows her authority over others. She has the ability to frighten people and make them work for her in a high standard. In a nutshell, Mrs Holland is a mean, heartless, greedy villain with authority and planning abilities. 4. Jim Taylor Jim Taylor, the cheap office boy, emerges as one of the principal heroes to help take up Sally's quest. Jim's looks is visualised by this description: ‘†¦ His jacket was torn in three places, his collar had come adrift from the shirt, and his hair looked as if it had been used in an experiment with the powers of electricity.' Jim shows great affection towards Sally in this novel: ‘It was Jim †¦ he worships you.' Jim's like of Sally gets him into this quest and in deep trouble. However, he has showed determination and bravery in these situations. The following quotation shows this: ‘He nearly fainted †¦ and then he lowered his head and charged.' Jim's heroic acts in the latter chapters offered help to Frederick and Adelaide in difficult circumstances. He puts others first. Jim also stayed calm and thought freely under pressure. Like Frederick Garland, he shows no interest in personal gain, this links in to the previous points. All through the Ruby in the Smoke, Jim is inquisitive: ‘That's him †¦ that's the bloke what killed Selby.' Jim is a hard questioning thinker; he looks deep into happenings. Jim's resourcefulness is justified after he found the Ruby. After finding this expensive and enchanting object, Jim showed excellent self control and selflessness not to misuse the Ruby. However, in some parts of the Ruby in the Smoke, Jim is a rowdy: ‘Jim looked up and released a jet of language that might have blistered a battle ship.' Jim doesn't always posses ‘gentlemanly' qualities. Despite this, his heart is dedicated to the ‘good' and helpful. At the start of the climax to the Ruby in the Smoke, Jim is betrayed by Paddy. This quotation shows us this: ‘ â€Å"Why?† †¦ â€Å"Money, mate,† was the reply. â€Å"Gotta live.† Despite his anger at Paddy, he kept his concentration and bravery, he somehow survived. In conclusion, Jim Taylor is a likeable, principal hero with bravery, determination and selflessness and at times a rowdy. 5. Trembler (Theophilus Molloy) Trembler, part of the workforce in the Garland's household, ends up to be one of the key characters in Sally's quest. His figure is described: ‘A little wizened man ran anxiously out †¦' Helpful is an excellent description of Trembler's character in the Ruby in the Smoke: ‘ â€Å"Could you light the match for me and hold it under the opium?† ‘ ‘ â€Å"Righto.† Particularly to Sally, Trembler provided excellent help through out the novel (buying her a pistol, helping her re – remember with opium). Trembler (along with Frederick Garland) is a dreadful business man: ‘ â€Å"You must press to have your bills paid on time. There is fifty six pounds seven shillings owing to you.† ‘ Before Sally arrived, the Garland household was unable to sort out their finances. This shows that Trembler, Frederick (and Rosa to an extent) are unorganised. Trembler is unpersuasive in the Ruby in the Smoke, this is proved by the ensuing quotation: ‘ â€Å"You tell him. I've tried but he won't listen to me.† ‘ Particularly in the earlier stages, Trembler lacks qualities needed in a business field. However, his bravery and loyalty is second to none: ‘The big man knocked him down †¦ the big bloke took a swing at him and flattened him.' Trembler's hard work and bravery were a key part of his character. His liking and friendliness towards Adelaide was huge: ‘ â€Å"Here's my lady love,† ‘ Trembler was an easy going character, he had an excellent knowledge of the surroundings. To consummate, Trembler was a helpful, faithful, unorganised and easy going character. 6. Adelaide Adelaide plays a key part towards the earlier and the latter stages of this novel. Her appearance is shown in the following quotation; ‘ †¦ a child whose only feature seemed to be, †¦, a pair of enormous dark eyes.' Adelaide is weak and uneducated. The following quotations help us visualise this idea: ‘Mr Berry was holding her around the neck with one hand †¦' ‘ †¦ and so should, by law, be in school.' Adelaide hasn't been a brave contributor to Sally's quest. However, she has been incredibly useful, in an earlier chapter she informed Jim (who in turn acquainted Sally) about Matthew Bedwell. This was of significant use. Adelaide's main characteristic is that she is scared of Mrs Holland. This quotation shows us this: ‘Only I mustn't tell Mrs Holland, else she will kill me.' Adelaide is troubled, she is being abused, bullied and frightened by Mrs Holland. Adelaide, unlike Frederick and Jim, lacks determination. This showed in a key part of the novel: ‘ â€Å"Get up here. We got to climb over the wall †¦Ã¢â‚¬  ‘ ‘ â€Å"I can't,† †¦ ‘ This undermined characteristic often caused trouble to other characters. Despite this their like and affection towards her is unhurt: ‘ † †¦ there's a good girl.' Adelaide returns this affection with respect, this quotation shows this: ‘ â€Å"Morning miss,† ‘ Adelaide is a kind and caring character, she is soft hearted. To recapitulate, Adelaide is weak, bullied and  undetermined but however she proves to be courteous and resourceful.